For those who might be interested here is a list of the some of the recording
and playback equipment Simon currently uses:
Koma field kit
Edirol R05 digital recorder
Olympus LS-12 digital recorder
Sound Devices MixPre (older analogue model)
Sound Devices MixPre-3
2x Tram TR50 lavalier microphones
2x Clippy cardioid lavalier microphones
2x Oktava MK-012 microphones (matched pair) with cardioid, hypercardioid and omni capsules
Aquarian H2a-XLR hydrophones
Many self-constructed contact microphones
FEL Communications Stereo Microphone Preamplifier
Rycote lavalier and microphone windshields
Rycote Baby Ball Gag windshields
2x Telephone pickup coil
Dayton sound exciters (various sizes and models)
2x Sure 6 channel 100w amplifiers
Lepai T-Amplifiers
Yamaha MG06 mixer
Behringer Xenyx1002 mixer
2x cheap webcams
Motu Ultralite Mk3 Hybrid audio interface
Arduino UNO R3 boards
Various salvaged motors, power supplies and speakers
Macbook Pro
Software sponsorship:
Ableton Live 10 - thank you to Ableton for continued sponsorship since 2007
Augustus Loop plugin - thank you to Expert Sleepers for sponsorship since 2013